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Personal Injury

Personal Injury

A personal injury is any wrong done to you, your property, rights, or reputation due to the negligence, unlawful, or unsafe action of another. Unfortunately, personal injuries can occur to anyone at anytime and have a prolonged, often disastrous effect on a person’s life. Mills & Alcorn represents clients throughout eastern North Carolina whose lives have been affected by a personal injury.

Physical injuries to your person can result from being involved in an automobile accident or an accident involving any other form of transportation, a construction or other workplace accident, injuries suffered as a result of a dangerous or otherwise unsafe product and other injury-causing situations. Nonetheless, personal injuries do not even necessarily have to be physical. Psychological personal injuries are typically caused by psychological trauma associated with life threatening and or disfiguring physical injuries, or as a result of witnessing trauma in others, or after escaping serious injury following a traumatic occurrence.

If you or a loved one has been injured in North Carolina, contact Mills & Alcorn for a free consultation and learn more about your rights to compensation. We will review your insurance policy, reconstruct the accident if necessary and provide candid advice about your options. Remember, the goal of insurance companies is to pay victims the least amount possible, so call us first before you settle and let us protect your interests.